I haven't done an update for sometime so RS Linkify hasn't changed recently.
Has anything changed on your end, adblock, browser settings, system restore, other extensions that handle links/images?
Disabling other extensions and seeing if the problem stops is a good thing to try.
If none of these things help, the only other thing I can suggest is to back up your linkify settings (under miscellaneous settings). Remove and reinstall RS Linkify and import your saved settings.
Let me know how things go, I'll do what I can to help
I haven't done an update for sometime so RS Linkify hasn't changed recently.
Has anything changed on your end, adblock, browser settings, system restore, other extensions that handle links/images?
Disabling other extensions and seeing if the problem stops is a good thing to try.
If none of these things help, the only other thing I can suggest is to back up your linkify settings (under miscellaneous settings). Remove and reinstall RS Linkify and import your saved settings.
Let me know how things go, I'll do what I can to help
Checked my adblock and runescape.com got added to the custom filter somehow.
I'm not dead, fortunately.. Just taking a break from the forums, due to stuff.
Anyway, the gallery has been updated, and a certain avatar has been removed from the avatar gallery for the same reason as Brooke's earlier, I will tell you the number when I next see you ingame, Indy. (All mentions of Brooke's avatars are gone from the pastebin as requested, too.)
Edit that's not really an edit because I'm too lazy to re-grammar the above paragraph: I haven't removed the image, yet. I'd rather Indy hide it in the gallery/delete the image so people don't see which one it is and then remove it from the pastebin.
Coffee as always:
Edit that is an actual edit (woo me); Can I have my custom title removed entirely? Thanks.
Edit v2 (or v3 if you're being pedantic): Saw this the other day, and I thought of you, Indy;