Ty everyone for all the coffee, I'm looking forward to getting home so I can catch up with what's been happening on HLF. Yay only one day to go
Hmmm....wow, it sucks not having RS Linkify! It's kind of good to see the forums this way because I forget and consider the forums normal with RS Linkify. Not sure I'll learn or benefit from this but it's a nice reminder of the little things RS Linkify does.
But gee, I look forward to browsing the forums with Linkify again.
Hope you've at least enjoyed your time away!
See you again soon!
"If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are?" - Bill Watterson
So I'm pretty proud of my little creation here
It's extremely simple, but it calculates prime numbers from 0 to whatever value you set the
to go. Of course it lacks intuitiveness and a practical use but... I was bored!
^ Reminds me of something I wrote for my compsci course that lists the prime factors of a number
prime_factors :: Integral a => a -> [a]
prime_factors = \n->reverse$fst$until(\(_,m)->m==1)(\(x,m)->(\y->(y:x,div m y))$until(\z->0==mod m z)(+1)2)([],n)
I don't think it's widely used. It's got a strictly typed language making it easy to verify. My lecturer said it was used to write in banking and finance algorithms, but we did more fun stuff than that for the course