There's a huge security exploit. If you see any JavaScript in a post, don't click the quote link. All of the examples that we posted so far are benign, but there's a huge potential for someone to use this to compromise hundreds of accounts.
Yea, I had heard about all that. I just had no idea what Javascript even looked like until today lol, so I have no idea what all these numbers mean/how they make some kind of action occur.
The String.fromCharCode() method takes a series of ASCII values and forms them into a string
That means that String.fromCharCode(104) is equal to a lower case 'h'. String.fromCharCode(104, 116) is equal to 'ht'. If I continue to add ASCII values, I can form a whole URL.
An easier way to do it would be to just say "", but you would need to surround it in quotes, which doesn't work. It would also make the code human-readable, which makes the exploit a lot more obvious.
In my post earlier on this page, I use String.fromCharCode() to pass a URL to a method that loads an external JavaScript file (Lifer posted the link to it), which does all of the actions that you see. This is especially dangerous because it allows the exploiter to access their server, which means they can do just about anything they want. They could store your email (if you log in with on) and display name to create extremely realistic phishing emails. On a smaller scale, someone could grab your IP if you quoted them, which would allow them to easily DDOS you (I just display your IP in my post, I don't record them).