just make a world where you need 2.1b tokkul, 2.1b ecto tokens, 2.1b spirit seeds, 2.1b obsidian shards, 2.1b goutweeds, 2.1b slayer vip tickets, 2.1b cw gold tickets, 2.1b chewed bones, 2.1b prawn balls, 2.1b harmonic dusts, 2.1b fury sharks, 2.1b tarddian crystals, 2.1b spirit dragon charms, 200m in all xp, at least 1 prestige on all bosses, trimmed comp, mqpc, all pets (boss skill + slayer type)
and then make a world where u also need that many of: each slayer monster head, large shark, each monkey type gree grees, ascendancy mine, primed bars, crystal tree blossoms, jewelled diamond statuettes, each shade key, shards of armadyl, daeyalt ore, bane ore, each imcando pickaxe fragment, each champion scroll, and tiger sharks, for the truly elite.
how about a world in which u had to have had a comp cape pre-eoc
No, make a world for people who had max cape pre-rs2
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how about a world in which u had to have had a comp cape pre-eoc
No, make a world for people who had max cape pre-rs2