
Morvran's Prefer/Block

Quick find code: 259-260-897-65487603

Oct Member 2011


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Yewnock said :
agen said :
I'm keeping kalgs for the time being because I just really like doing them for some reason but I've completed the trim req and they're shitty combat:slay so there's not that much of a reason to keep them there for much longer so I'll see how that goes.

My block list is currently this. Am I right in just assuming I should block the tasks with the highest weights that I don't want to do?
Yep that's right. You can remove desert strykes from that list since they are 7 weighting. Then just choose other 4 tasks with 10 weight (could be like edimmus, black demons, grotworms and dagganoth) to complete the list and block elves (because of their 12 weight).

I personally find kal'gerions fun too, and I've been wanting to try them again since darklight update and new aura. But I'm waiting until I have enough points for supreme brawler (why must loyalty points be so slow to get :@ ).
Yeah I'm pretty sure the desert strykes were a remnant from an optimal kuradal list or something. Thanks for your help :)

07-Nov-2015 05:37:36

Oct Member 2005


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So with the release of wyverns I set up what I'd call the.. 200m block list. This means all tasks with the highest weights are blocked, to allow getting tasks like edimmus (eddy), wyverns (key part), or other tasks that might be desirable for a specific, task exclusive drop. This assumes having a considerable amount of slayer points saved up, and canceling tasks for a specific one (or more).

My block list is airuts, shapeshifters, elves, dark beasts, greater demons, nechryaels, and grotworms. As it can be seen, all tasks above weight 10, and two (bad) tasks of weight 10 are blocked. It should be fairly obvious but I thought I'd just post about it.

07-Nov-2015 07:07:00



Posts: 1,694 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
GoT said :
How can you unlist edimmus? Or is spreadsheet wrong about that?

It is all a matter of how it is calculated. For people with less than 115 dung, they are essentially unlisted. Also creatures you don't have the level for are essentially unlisted, so if you have less than 96 slayer (when the new creatures are added), you can configure the sheet into thinking those creatures are unlisted until you actually have the level to do them.

All the listed creatures have all of the settings as a matter of consistency, even if it isn't possible to unlist abby demons, for instance.
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10-Nov-2015 22:55:01

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