I'm all ranted out, at the moment (had a troll that got the better of my compulsive replying problem), and am generally to ticked off to talk reasonably about the issues with parts of the game I like, these days (comes from Years of those issues being ignored, or deliberately made worse in any update supposedly intended to help, but designed in a way that can't possibly help, with that being pointed out by a lot of people, from times even before they entered the planning stages.. along with helpful alternatives being given, but ignored.. and then there being feigned surprise that the thing was harmful).
Gets especially bad in instances where the solution is fairly simple, and has been asked for, for 7+ Years.
Anyway.. likewise hoping that things get done differently, in future.
With regards having RS2-style Worlds (old combat system) (I think that's what you meant, but might be wrong): Their attempt at this, and likely the best we're ever going to get, is the Legacy Combat mode. Not the same, I know, especially in how it interacts with other content like Minigames (likewise with their rewards), but I don't think we can get much better (I would personally use EoC, other than for occasionally checking things out.. but would appreciate the option to be there for others).
09-Jan-2018 02:35:42