What do you guys think about it? Rather heard it from maxed people instead of a lot of new players.
Let's be honest, almost all the PvMers i had talk to, hate this update, Jagex Mods based the decision in a vote that was made on reddit where skillers and "people who dont want to spend time learning something new" participated more than anything.
Personally, c4taa took me several months to learn it, practicing at least 1 hour everyday to make it work as it should... Actually I started to learn it when Jagex told everybody that 4taa will stay in the game. (which look pretty unfair in my opinion)
Range Style will be overpowered with the new bolts, t92 dual wielding and the new ultimate coming, its like forcing us to use range from now on.
So ya... I think that Jagex should add something similar to Range and Meele instead of removing it from the game.
17-Jan-2018 08:57:30