I'd like to take a moment to talk about a new idea for Treasure Hunter: Comp Cape!
We all know that you can in fact get Max just by spinning, so, as a promo for the people who are Maxed aka most the remaining playerbase--Fuck it lets just Add Comp.
Everyone wins! Nobody will have to grind, it'll take a fraction of the Dev time. After all,
We've already scrapped our original ideas for a rework. Kinda like the Bank rework.
Let's just be thankful we won't have to wait until our children's children grow up like a mining and smithing rework which scuffed a lot of bosses and High Level monster mobs.
Reaper is gone, kaput, finished, over the hill. I'm so glad, imagine having to learn how to play a game. I
had to talk to another person in an
to get onto a team. That breaks the terms and conditions of my crippling social anxiety.
Also, Account Sharing is against game rules. So there was NO WAAAAAY I could do those bosses for Reaper ANYWAY.
^ I just really want to dwell on that point. Bad rule breakers so Naughty
bad! bad!
I just hate how I had to keep playing an online game for months to Trim my cape as well. What a workload! Luckily, with Comp being on Treasure Hunter I can just go to Solomon's and buy the reskin! (500 runecoins)
Trim, Untrim, red, blue, polka dotted, inside out, laundry day override. The works!
Honestly can't keep up the joke any more. Let me think.....How exactly do I convey my absolute hatred for this? Legit, How?
"The stats pushed a lot of players to pursue Comp who had no interest in Completionism"
No shit, they did? Are you sure!? OF COURSE THEY DID! THAT'S THE POINT!!! <====
It made the hardcore PvMers quest, it made the Skillers Kill bosses. It made people explore what would be dead content like Castle Wars. TLDR: Hardest Cape, Best Stats. Simple. What idiocy at HQ can't grasp that notion?
5,000+ PK's
- ±‡± -
Maxed - 1.7b xp.
- ±‡± -
going for 120's
13-May-2019 22:12:19
- Last edited on
13-May-2019 22:40:51
"Frees us up to add better capes as rewards and drops in the future"
Imagine devaluing your current game content, that represents having completed all your (at least major) game content,
Only to then double down by promising to devalue it further in the future with better cape drops and better capes as rewards.
Hey I hate having to do quests. Just remove that requirement as well, so I don't have to do what makes me uncomfortable.
"Moving the stats allows the comp cape to have more demanding requirements added to it in future."
What the hell are you on about!? Like I already pointed out that's the incentive. Nobody did Livid Farm because it was fun, or because they thought 'Wow, someone had a great idea with this one." They did it because they wanted the best cape. You are practically making it just a grindy cosmetic. Why not just put it on Treasure Hunter then and call it a day. You'll make thousands off that.
Utility benefits that are currently tied to the cape item, such as teleports, will be changed to permanent unlocks on the player rather than the cape.
Oh good cause for a second there I thought you'd leave some endgame content value untouched. I Maxed because I love doing Nex duos, my friends Maxed for access to the guild. Everyone felt really rewarded and a sense of accomplishment even in the face of people calling Max "meaningless"
Usually because when the devs are having a brain fart for content they can just give away free XP like the current Seren promo BS. Last year we had like 3x Double XP weekends? This year lets try for 4x.
"Moving forward, players and devs will have a clearer understanding of what should and shouldn’t be required for either cape
Well that's some good news seeing as the usual levels of communication are dogshit. You listen to the people that complain the loudest, similar to when you tried to rework PvP. You don't ask Pkers
5,000+ PK's
- ±‡± -
Maxed - 1.7b xp.
- ±‡± -
going for 120's
13-May-2019 22:12:36
- Last edited on
13-May-2019 22:36:34
Mr Rey Ray
The proposed changes are far better than tier capes.
Idk what the issue is? I'm trimmd and my opinion is if jagex remove reaper from comp, they can also remove CWS from trim, to devalue trim.
Why should they devalue one and not the other?
In my opinion though in an ideal world, the requirements would be reaper+120 all/all boss collection logs added to comp.
I think people missed my point, so allow me to Clarify: The Post has a lot of sarcasm throughout it, something I thought would be evident.
I personally and very strongly believe Reaper and Castle wars should remain as Comp/Trim Comp requirements.
I also agree with your opinion of what Comp would look like in an "ideal world." I just don't understand why Jagex is giving into a small percentage of the playerbase many of whom are not Comped. They're not only Devaluing the Cape's stats, they are undermining it's benefits which as I said provides incentive for people to Comp regardless of content they like more or content they like less. It's a cape representing completion of Runescape.
I personally and very strongly believe Reaper and Castle wars should remain as Comp/Trim Comp requirements.
The castle wars requirement is bad because people who otherwise wouldn't want to do the minigame just go there to afk, and players that actually want to play the minigame are penalized with leach players on their team. It's an objectively bad requirement every way you look at it.