2011 era does seem to be the sweet spot... Obviously us then-noobs had no idea what was going on in here but for some reason something about Castle Wars getting 100k posts in here sticks in my mind. It just seemed like a fun place that got more JMod interaction (whether it was being told things before they happened or being asked for feedback on things before they happened... IE Comp capes) than the rest of the RSOF.
well... too... its gotta mean that the mobile version of the game is gonna mandate real customer service gains, and the fake customer service badges and crowns wielded by player moderators will be rarer.
all runescape ever needed for risk management of their forums was a great big "don't sue us for what people write here" and then the games to get noticed, get deputized to do fake customer service, et al that all goes away.
like... most p mods stay off the VIP server, because theyre all in clans full of sycophants and cheapskates that wont pay for VIP access. Its usually true that in the absence of p mods that players just dont bother talking at all, but sometimes when they do its with a lot more free speech, and a lot less melodrama.
I have quit rsof because moderator found comments about darklight bonus damage on demons "off topic" for wildy flash mobs full of demons