Noxious prices are crazy, scythe is only that much cause rarity, not sure why bow and staff are a good chunk cheaper than their dw counterparts and dropping. I actually prefer nox bow over dw asc cause that extra range at rots and 3k auto attacks right off lol
Use brings about wear, tear and rust, and that's a real waste.
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
I actually prefer nox bow over dw asc cause that extra range at rots and 3k auto attacks right off lol
You may prefer it, it doesn't mean it's better.
2h range is awful DPS in comparison to DW
Shh forgot to mention I'm crud at dps anyway so I don't notice much
also gz on final boss! And yeah isn't exoskeleton a set effect for all pieces?
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death