It's abusing game mechanics for purposes that were not intended in order to gain an advantage for oneself.
Punish them all.
Does that mean my Nex solo at 115 cb wasbug abuse with dreadnips on cruor (to make it die of poison to skip soloing blood phase) and 5 crystal bows safespotting her so she'd never hit me pre eoc?
Sure, let's follow your petty logic. I must be bug abusing if I fletch broads inbetween trader stuns then? They're different and if you can't see the contrast, I'm not interested in continuing this discussion with someone who is most likely blinded by their own involvement in the bug.
How is fletching broads between dwarf trader stuns remotely related to bug abuse?
And how is Soloing Nex illegit different? I got 275 Onyx Bolt drops which shouldn't have entered the game. Imagine if that was a Nex item back in the day and I got it? It's not fair but Jagex have tolerated it and said it was their mistake.
Is anyone here a master of DPSing with ability Queuing on? I have never used this feature and apparently it's even better DPS if used right and I want to learn.
So, how is this Queuing perfected? Please, and thank you.
- Music produced from the <3 -
I thought you click the abilities you want to queue and it will use it for you when ready?
I don't know - that's why I'm asking.
I thought there was some "special thing" to it since some people say to practice on things so you don't "mess up"
- Music produced from the <3 -
Idk if it relates but first thing I saw someone like on mai newsfeed.
I'm not intentionally making it rise. I'm just saying two wrongs don't make a right.
Both players and Jagex made wrongs. The only way to put it right is however Jagex decide to resolve the issue. It's not even down to me so I see no reason to continue this conversation anymore.
No. you're saying two wrongs means the third wrong shouldn't be punished.
181m Slayer XP and 37,963 Edimmu slain for my
pet. Slayer is still the worst skill in the game.
I said I didn't care if people get banned. But if they did get banned then I think it's stupid compared to the level of severity of the past "bugs" this game had which were way worse and game breaking then some silly points dupe which gets a silly comp req out the way.
No. you're saying two wrongs means the third wrong shouldn't be punished.
It's abusing game mechanics for purposes that were not intended in order to gain an advantage for oneself.
Punish them all.
Does that mean my Nex solo at 115 cb wasbug abuse with dreadnips on cruor (to make it die of poison to skip soloing blood phase) and 5 crystal bows safespotting her so she'd never hit me pre eoc?
Sure, let's follow your petty logic. I must be bug abusing if I fletch broads inbetween trader stuns then? They're different and if you can't see the contrast, I'm not interested in continuing this discussion with someone who is most likely blinded by their own involvement in the bug.
How is fletching broads between dwarf trader stuns remotely related to bug abuse?
And how is Soloing Nex illegit different? I got 275 Onyx Bolt drops which shouldn't have entered the game. Imagine if that was a Nex item back in the day and I got it? It's not fair but Jagex have tolerated it and said it was their mistake.
That must be a bad example then. I did not play for 4 years, including the intro of nex up to some point in eoc, so I pawned it off as something that was not patched later on. If it was patched, and unfair as you claim, people should have been punished. But again, I did not play during that time.