Another rs based issue I have been noticing is that certain sounds in game will end up playing on a loop, is there a way to fix this?
Example being at player owned ports (happens to me here ALOT) I will switch out a ship part and a piece of the sound that makes will replay over and over for a few minutes afterwards.
Pretty sure it keeps playing regardless of new sound effects, cuz I usually do my div daily after ports and it plays through that even though div makes sound effects, I usually just mute my computer til I finish my daily, then I log out lol.
Pretty sure it keeps playing regardless of new sound effects, cuz I usually do my div daily after ports and it plays through that even though div makes sound effects, I usually just mute my computer til I finish my daily, then I log out lol.
have you tried to mute the sfx and then put it back up?
Another thing I get sometimes is when I click "submit" to submit my post it will instead show the preview post screen, even though I didn't hit preview. Indy confirmed it does that sometimes so it isn't that I'm just misclicking lol.
If you spend more than X minutes on a page, it'll cause that to happen. As an example, next time you go AFK for some reason (for like 5-10 mins) leave a forum page up and then make a test post, it'll bring up the preview
Okay, just so I can confirm that I'm not crazy - this isn't a bug with just Linkify, right? I don't use Linkify and I get it so often that I'm questioning my sanity!