You Pick It
I am glad to hear it!
Did you walk away with any cool swag?
Raided one of everything off the shop, apart from the shirts...none in my size left. T-T Crims bagged a few in his size tho. Missed out on the mousemats!
And the Construction Chip, got an Archery one instead as they had run out. Bit dissapointed with that, would have loved that as Con is my fave skill lol. Also, kinda...broke the...dragon head ice sculpture that we were working on. Crims tried to do the eyes for it, made a mistake, went 'fuck it' and made a big smiley face on it instead lol.
Haha nice@ Sounds like I will have to stop by next year since you had such a good time, and it is making me jelly!
Not sure how much you guys have seen/been able to see: have any of you seen the Dragons Den style final verdict on a guaranteed pitched idea to go into the game in the near future?
Is there a trick to getting the full body pic on your A Log right? I remember RWH had said something a few days ago, but now I'm too lazy to go back.
I just noticed your pic is fine, Akhet. How did you do it?
*Shrugs* Iunno. :o
I just took a piccy randomly lol. Usually it mucks up tho, but I guess the camera was properly fixed on the tripod that time.
Also, kinda...broke the...dragon head ice sculpture that we were working on. Crims tried to do the eyes for it, made a mistake, went 'fuck it' and made a big smiley face on it instead lol.
Yea, if you take a picture after a game update, then for some reason the full picture shows, instead only showing your body/head/something.