Next time if it's in this country I am making something to wear tho, not going a third time without something to cosplay in, even if it's just something like a cape.
And I'll be wearing a customise Akhet & Shemu shirt too, will definitely catch me then lol.
Did ya dress up in anything? :o And how long did ya have to cue for lol? We arrived via taxi just outside the place just before 10, stood there for a good while lol. Poor back was hurtin' by the end. T-T
Raided one of everything off the shop, apart from the shirts...none in my size left. T-T Crims bagged a few in his size tho. Missed out on the mousemats!
And the Construction Chip, got an Archery one instead as they had run out. Bit dissapointed with that, would have loved that as Con is my fave skill lol. Also, kinda...broke the...dragon head ice sculpture that we were working on. Crims tried to do the eyes for it, made a mistake, went 'fuck it' and made a big smiley face on it instead lol.
Akhet, I'm disappointed that you didn't try to find Shakster.
I shall lookee back at the livestream sometime if we still can, to see if I'm on there somewhere, then I'll make note of the times and point ya'll that away. Shakeh might have seen me without realising it, though I did put my name on the lil program booklet thingy you put around your neck.
Sha ky
I got there at like 8:45 lol was one of first in line, it was just when my train got there though so was all good.
Ahhhh, wayyy to early for us then lol. Think we were on the train on the way there by then from Milton Keynes, then we messed up and couldn't find where the taxis were - turns out they were right under a big taxi block thing and marked 'Taxis' - who wulda thought that? T-T