Lunging is decent on weapon, aftershock isn't the only alternative but lunging requires rng to actually be of decent dps as it just increases the max hit rather than base but it still provides a decent dps increase as dots are the most dpm.
Although unless the target moves it's not that good so pretty much everywhere, it's kinda useless compared to aftershock haha. Unless you use meta or dismember a lot but yeah, very specific circumstances
Oh ok I thought you were taking the "I don't do Invention cus you need to augment 900 sets of gear" approach
I'd do a set of regular Sliske (cheaper) and all 3 sets of Nex gear that has both offensive and defensive perks on them.
Regular sliske will be sufficient for almost every slayer task, and your Nex sets will be good for bossing as well as the tasks that need it, such as Rune Dragons
Unslain Bosses - Clan