All I do is hunter/fish currently, and I feel like there's some perks I can get for weapons that gives me some bxp or something, but idk.
How are you fishing? There are perks that allow you to catch stuff quicker, and you don't even need augmentors if you are using Rod-o-Matics I believe.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Most perks are pretty low cost, with the exception of trying to get particular rare combos like devo/imp. Even then, for me it was the buy limit that annoyed me more than the attempts. Definitely worth it to spend a little time or money on them though
Gonna try sleep while someone is stomping around the hotel room above us :/ bye!
It's not really valid but I mean, for me personally it's like buying idk, a wand for 2.4 and not making back any of that because I don't go bossing for more than 3 hours a week.
I just dislike investing in things I don't use, even though I always end up doing that anyway lol.
Why would you need all 3? Just use Sliske for everything, and your Nex sets for tasks that need the defence, such as Rune Dragons.
If you are insistant on using power armour, use your Nex sets, the increase in costs between t70 and t80 is not significant enough to warrant perking up, as you've said, 2x as much gear.
Higher level pvm
Aug'd nex with offensive perks?
Aug'd nex with defensive perks?
Aug'd ports with offensive perks?
You also don't need 3 sets of gear for this. Ports gear is unnecessary when compared to tier 80, in which case, there are not enough offensive/defensive perks for you to need multiple sets of the same gear. You can always like, compromise.
Achto is worth augmenting, but the average player has 0 reason to use achto, so np.
Unslain Bosses - Clan