Evil Lucario
Linkify's been randomly borking lately. I don't know why...
With some links not working? I've been noticing some links not showing (being crossed out/invalid) but I wasn't sure what it was exactly.
Odd, I haven't had any issues. Make sure it's not Adblock, and as for the invalid links you could report them to indy, but it could be that those links were removed from the source as well.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
All I do anymore is fish - 2017
21-Apr-2016 05:31:42
- Last edited on
21-Apr-2016 05:31:56
Body btw
Evil Lucario
Linkify's been randomly borking lately. I don't know why...
With some links not working? I've been noticing some links not showing (being crossed out/invalid) but I wasn't sure what it was exactly.
It just wouldn't activate, period. But I can tell you that crossed out links are dead links.
Body btw
Odd, I haven't had any issues. Make sure it's not Adblock, and as for the invalid links you could report them to indy, but it could be that those links were removed from the source as well.
Well I do have Adblock enabled. Do the two mix poorly?
They do, depending on the settings and all. I mean, that shouldn't be any reason for Linkify not to work if the settings aren't blocking Linkify. I'm no tech expert though
I'm just going off past experiences with Linkify issues
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
Is the best drygore setup mace and offhand rapier?
Personally prefer dual rapiers/longswords because of the slightly stronger autoattack but that's just me. Most people find the prayer bonus more valuable.