Evil Lucario
8? I almost always go to bed near 12, lately I've been staying up past 2 though. Not healthy for me lol
Woah you should get plenty of rest! To quote Sonic "Not getting enough sleep can ruin your whooole day!"
"I make 10m/hr @ araxxor, so thats 120 hrs to make 1.2b, then spend that money on supplies (doing this while I kill more rax ofc so buy limits are irrelevant) for invention, and get 1m exp/hr so 36 hours of inventing to get to 99.
Invention takes 156 hours to get to 99, thats not too bad!"
Is this how Jagex came up with their 200 hours for 99 invention figure? And they just rounded up to 200 to account for supplies used during fights and stuff?