Team Skull
The amount of people who are at such a point where Mammoths would be "efficient" to slay
I never said they were efficient - I just said they were good slayer/hr, which they are.
Team Skull
If you're 200m all Melee stats, sure, but again- the amount of people with that is so stupidly low it puts into question who these monsters were *really* designed for and therefore their worth.
What do my combat stats have to do with it? I said they offer a great balance of
xp and gp, there is nothing incorrect about that. A fair amount of people are doing slayer to get "120 slayer", so yes, they are a decent task in that respect.
Team Skull
so they're supposed to be the best in terms of GP/EXP compared to other Slayer monsters.
They're Elite as in they are the toughest Slayer monsters; they are "Elite Slayer Monsters", not the "Elite Money Droppers", and they are one of the best slayer xp/hr tasks, which more fits the "Elite Slayer Monster" title, not "Elite Combat Monsters".
Team Skull
If it's more profit to kill one task and there's not much of a difference for another task in terms of EXP, what is their purpose besides to sit there and look pretty? They're not really efficient which contradicts the definition of "Elite".
It is a mistake. Mammoths are one task, they should be compared to one other task and that's it. If Mammoths took hours to complete and you could fit Y Xp-based task + X Gp-based task into the same amount of time, sure, it's a fair comparison, but you can't, so it isn't.
They are a fair balance between xp/hr and gp/hr, much like Edimmus are... But people don't see it as worth killing because they actually have to do something to kill them.
Unslain Bosses - Clan