Evil Lucario
Am I the only one who can forum effectively without Linkify (although it is still very good)
Never used it.
"Revenge...is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."- Jeremy Taylor
Man the years have not been kind to Sonic Adventure.
Tell me about it, before I left for vacation I replayed both SA1 and Sonic Heroes back-to-back, and... well... I didn't enjoy SA1 as much as when I first played it.
I think Sonic Heroes aged better than both SA1 and 2.
Sonic Heroes is that gamecube one where you have like 4 teams of 3 with different stories right? Think I had that game and it was pretty fun, only Sonic game I've really been able to get into
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
15-Aug-2015 23:54:13
- Last edited on
15-Aug-2015 23:54:36
Sonic Heroes is that gamecube one where you have like 4 teams of 3 with different stories right? Think I had that game and it was pretty fun, only Sonic game I've really been able to get into
Yeah it is. It gets way too much unnecessary flack if you ask me (although it does have its share of padding and repetitive gameplay by needing to play all four teams), but I consider it a more solid game than the Adventure games.
I had an old sonic game for PC but I can't really remember what it was called