s hamy
I need Underground Pass & Dt for barrows, but I am too much a newb for those quests atm. I just started NMZ today.
*sigh* It will take me forever.
Yay underground pass :3 Unless you're doing regicide shortly afterwards I would just not train agility; you're either 99 agil and rarely fail or not 99 and fail forever. Better off getting 50 thieving for the shortcut around the maze over spikes, that's the only place I noticed a difference doing it at 30 agil vs my friends 50
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
Decided to go and see if I had any old pictures from RS since that newspost came up for the RS 15 year documentary. I know I had a ton on Imageshack before they nuked everyone's images. So much history lost (which makes it hard to recreate old developer blogs).
Came across this, good times.