This idea is great. I really do believe that this will make Runescape even more popular. I'm sick of reading pathetic little posts from no-life noobs who don't like the idea of Runescape and JaGeX becoming more popular. Hell, JaGeX are doing something for the community here! It's called "being generous". Stop whining about it being a Social Networking hoax or whatever you want to call it and help the community a bit. Think about it, the more players = more memberships. More memberships = more funds for JaGeX. More funds for JaGeX = better game updates and technology. Give them a break will you, they're doing this for OUR benefit, not their own! If i see one more whine post about this i will personally rage at the person making it. Oh, and someone asked "Why announce it on the site, not on facebook". Simple answer. Not everyone who has facebook checks it regularly enough. Use your common sense, that is of course if you have any left.
Rant Over.
04-Jun-2011 10:26:44