q - Will we see more rewards? I currently have 300k tokens right now, and none seem even remotely useful.
a - Yes!
q - Why can't we use the scrolls inside Daemonheim? Scroll of Life would help with the expensive seeds, Wasteless Herblore would help with the slow potion making, and Wasteless Smithing would be a great add-on to the Artisan's ring.
a - Yes, we are considering that.
q - Right now, teams that skip every resource, leave every monster alive, let themselves die and don't even pay attention to the dungeon are able to get 3 times more experience than normal teams, who are able to get 7 times more experience than soloers. Why is this?
a - Yes I agree that's fundementally wrong. I want to increase the XP you get for clearing rooms properly, but we are waiting for some data before we can do that.
04-May-2011 18:57:35