Q - Many players have abused glitches to unfairly gain huge amounts of DG xp. Will they ever be punished?
A - They should have been already. I'm not aware of any outstanding bans.
Q - Could we see a very high level DG world? (Ie, 2000+)?
A - If there is call for it, yes!
Q - Please can you make it easier / less time consuming to drop gathered resources.
How about making the tables work in a similar way to stealing creation?
Or, if that's too difficult, how about creating a "drop all" option in the inventory?
I look forward to seeing a reduction to this most repetitive part of dungeonneering.
A - I don't think that we can do that, no. Its not something I am comfortable adding, but I agree it would make things easier.
04-May-2011 19:00:55