Q - 4) How about those autogrouping rooms? You tried to improve them once, didn't work, and you never touched them again. You need to be able to choose floor size, difficulty, number of players in the party before it starts, and set minimum combat/dungeoneering levels before anyone starts using them. Any plans for an update here?
A - I agree the autogrouping rooms failed. I am trying to commission a project to improve the way we group in RuneScape for ALL content but starting with Dungeoneering.
Q - What ability does your character gain/perform while Dungeoneering? And why don't you see any of it while Dungeoneering?
A - Dungeoneering = The ability to navigate the tunnels of daemonheim. Higher levels of the skill means you can reach deeper floors. Its the actual skill of knowing what paths to follow just like the real world tracking or navigation skills, but its specific to one area of the game.
04-May-2011 19:32:03