I agree with all but 1 poll question answer that was most picked.
For the sword I would pick to kill my opponent, myself, my familar and my butler, however, i'd only use the sword and wearing nothing else, and i'd use it on someone in a pvp world with good stuff, cause it'd be funny =P
woah this poll seriously had some ''tough calls'' :o tho i think i did ok. Anyways im new in this whole poll voting thing do we get to see the results after the poll ended?
Q12 - What is generally accepted to be the strongest melee weapon in all of RuneScape at the moment?
The Godsword
>The Primal Maul<
The Rubber Chicken
The Abyssal Whip
NOTE: Yes, it really is! The Primal Maul has the highest Strength bonus in the game, and don't forget Daemonheim is "in" RuneScape.
Well, technically, "generally accepted" means "most people agree that it is". For example, Thomas Alva Edison is generally accepted to be the inventor of lightbulb, but he isn't. This means that the option which gets the most votes is the correct one, because it shows that people (at least the people who vote in polls) generally accept it as the strongest weapon. If Rubber Chicken won, then it would be the correct answer too!
BeyPokeDig 2 - Doh! I suppose that's a fair enough comment. *grumbles*
But wait! I can play the J-Mod card and say that as someone who can call upon the expert knowledge of the Content Team, the Primal Maul is *still* the correct answer.
id pay the fee i rarely have more than 2 or 3 mill cash at any one time.
looks don't matter under armor and i can always change em back
half my xp and half my opponents life points ftw, use it in pvp and just don't train that day lol.
highest into lowest as long as i get my dung tokens for that and id rather boost a low skill that i either dont like or simply haven't had time to train and then be able to just get my previous skill up to where it was (as slow as it would be to get 90 attack again probably not as slow second time around) than be at a permanent dis-advantage.
i dont get the last one, your own sweat if your that desperate. out of the 2 kalphites though. you kill a cow you eat it why not drink a kalphite you killed? also unless it was changed i always thought the kalphite caves were safe from the desert heat effect i was literally in the situation id head into the lumbridge swamp caves through that tunnel. i reckon they'd be quite cool.