B with C's handle would look freaking awesome! Also, one more thing. Change the hilt color back to the dark steel color the rest of the dragon weapons have! It's annoying how the d long, d2h, and d scim hilts no longer match the rest of the dragon weps, plus the unique dark steel color was so much better than the generic goldish color bronze-rune weps have!
My opinion on the dragon scimitar's redesign is that you should have the blade and gold pointy thing from concept B, although the curved hilt from concept C.
people that keep saying free players shouldnt have a say in this poll are stupid and they say the dragon scimnitar is members only. umm wake up people!!! CORRUPT DRAGON SCIMITAR!! duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
I personally think you should also redesign the dragon longsword, because once the scimmy is updated then it will look lame compared to all the other ones.
Keep changing the game, veteran players will quit once they notice that this isn't the Runescape they played and got addicted to a few years ago and they'll leave.
I voted for option B myself; it shows a lot of flare, and stands out from scimitars of the lower-level metals, which goes with the general trend of dragon weapons. The hilt also has a little bit of extra detail, which I really liked.