What things do you pay most attention to when you first meet other players? (Select all that apply)
I try to select people mostly on how they behave. However sometimes I peek to their clothing style for an addition to my garobe
What's the first thing you think other players might notice about you?
I wish it was my personality, However they see my levels first. And the avarage person around my level is someone that is a bit selfish with an "Ooohhhh, See my stats! I'm sooooo perfect" attitude, I can't stand it - Just be yourself and nice to others. Stats are a bonus, Not a priority.
Now how would you *like* to be seen in the eyes of your fellow players?
Just as a regular person.
Of course I am most of the time willingly to help, However I play this game for fun!
Do other players influence what you do in game?
I take a quick peek at clothes of others if they fit my style - But sssh!
Which of these monsters do you think is the hardest to beat on your own?:
1) Tztok-Jad
2) Nomad
3) General Graardor
4) Kree'arra
5) None of the above
6) I don't care
Question 2:
Which of the following NPC's is your favourite?:
1) Zanik, the Dorgeshuun heroin!
2) The Pest from A Void Dance
3) Sir Tiffy Cashien, the White Knight
4) Oldak, the wise goblin of Dorgesh-Khaan
5) Zimberfizz, the Imp of Soul Wars
6) Noodle the Penguin
7) Ping and Pong, the musical penguin masters!
Question 3(MC):
Which monster would you want to be?[Please select all that apply]:
1) Tztok-Jad
2) Nomad
3) Level 6 Mugger
4) Yk'lagor the Thundrous
5) Mithril Dragon
6) Other
7) None of the above
Can't think of any other questions, so... Oh well ^^
Really really liked the lastest poll. It was a nice idea! I really think that there were good answers too and was proud to find the majority was a certain answer for some of the questions
Hey this is my first time posting on any forums but thought i'd give it a go because i thought this poll was a nice change and also lets people know how others think of people in game..... pretty much all the pools i've done (not many to date) have been about the actual game, its nice to have one where we can tell others how we like people to actually be like in game, I think polls to describe how people feel about eachother in game are really good!! helps keep a nice gaming atmosphere
Interesting poll. I would be inclined to say that its pretty accurate, If you think about it. The ratio of nice people to mean people in this game, I do think majority rules nice! Granted there is a fair share of all kinds of people and personalities. I think sometimes the outcome of someones personality depends on what they are doing. Take for example black dragons in Taverly. You spend 5 or so minutes switching worlds trying to find one that is empty and have no such luck. You finally settle down in a world with 2 other people and look for some friendly competition. To many times in this situation do I see people get quite mad when someone takes "their" dragon. Sharing can be hard in an online world of heavy competition and limited resources. That's where I find that starting friendly conversation can help ease the competitiveness.
You studs at Jagex do a pretty good job at maintaining a friendly online community.
That's one reason why the rules are so important. I think it brings in the friendly and repels the grumpy. They rules only bother the ones that break them.
Anyway, I wasn't sure how I should give feedback on this one, but there's my 10 cents.
This was a pretty good poll. It helps players know what other players liek in them. Of course, that doesn't apply to all of us. And some of us change on a second's notice.