I am very pleased with the most recent poll. It appears as if you, jagex, are trying to judge players' involvement in the game and how they feel while playing. I personally voted that I play but do not feel totally focuses in while playing. I voted this way because it is true. I find myself becoming very bored doing the repetitive tasks in runescape. I find myself becoming bored within the first 30 minutes while in game if not doing something else such as browsing the forums, watching tv, watching something on my computer, searching the web or listening to music. In my experience, the truly great games draw you in so that you don't have to have these kinds of distractions to make the game enjoyable, or even tolerable in some cases. The reason I find this happens to me is because the sheer mass of numbers you must do in order to achieve a high level skill. Runescape is the only game i know that it can takes tens of days playing 10+ hours a day to get something to the maximum level.
For example, (this is a reference to another game and i hope its alright) WoW becomes the most fun at level 80 because of the massive amount of things you can do at that level that you could not do before. Getting to level 80 can be done quickly and then there is a lot of further content to do at that level. Runescape on the other hand takes a very different approach. It is a very long and slow process to level skills to 99 or achieve 138 combat. However, you can do stuff along the way at lower levels that you could not do before. Personally, I prefer the way it is done in WoW, where more is available at high levels but it is faster to reach those levels. Slightly off topic note, this is the main reason I stand firm against raising the skill cap to 120+ as in dungeoneering. I know you stated you would not do it but it seems almost inevitable. I think faster training, and unlocking more challenging stuff to do at a higher level is the better way to go. It keeps the players more involved
14-Aug-2010 06:04:08