i cant remeber when i started playing.but i look and see when my last pin was created it says i think april 8 06,im not shure cause i made a new one recently. my character is how i wanna look ina few years and when i play i feel like my character is me,that im rudoku.i use that name for everything from gamertags on consoles to my email.also i love the storys and lore on the rs database.i would read about dungeons and places on mem worlds way before i was mem because i was fasinated with the mem world.i knew more then some mem friends of mine and could help them figure stuff out,using the knowledge i had gained from the database.i would go to sites like runehq.com and runewiki.com to read guides bout mem quest and guides to the gwd,and the kalphite queen and what all gods there are on rs.how guthix found this world and brought people here throught a portal.and zamarok was a mahjarrat than used the staff of armadyl to kill zaros.and i beleive zaros created the goblin kind but bandos found and used them for warriors.also the whole wildernes was once beautiful till zamarok destroyed it starting the godwars.and that guthix was underground sleeping when it all started.also armadyl,bandos,and saradomin were all fighting zamarocks forces till they all turned on the other thats y theres more zamarok forces down in the gwd.and also sara domin is a liar saying he created glienor and its inhabitants and aslo he is peacfull yet has such strong warriors.i love to calculate also how long a certain skill would take like fishing from lvl 74 would take 125 days till 99 if i fished sharks or swordies(with swordie gloves) but thats with the xp rounded to 200 and only to get 12m xp which is 600k sharks/swordies and thats with getting 200 of em and hour. and that from lvl 60 mage it would cost alittle under 54m in nat runes to get 99 mage,thats not including the things u would alch and i havnt calculated the time.even tho i have more to say im endin this message with no characters left.
11-Aug-2010 02:46:40