I love the frequency! If there are no polls... well, I'd rather not point that out. But I just love them! (even if a few people do answer in the most strange ways)
hiya! first I'd just like to start out with saying I'm a big fan of the polls and normally i check everyday to see if there are new ones.
and for suggestions, maybe something like what's your favorite race in runescape? or what era in runescape would you most like to go back in time to visit? or which major npc in runescape would you like to destroy? or which npc would you like to be? i wouldn't be surprised if those ideas have already been used, but they're just thoughts.
I really look forward to the new polls although I sometimes feel the same questions are asked. (Then again how many questions can you actually ask over time without repeating yourselves)
Anyhow, I like the polls because I feel that is one positive way you can get a sense of what the majority of the players like and want.
Keep the polls coming!
Team work divides the effort and multiplies the effect.
I'm really disappointed in the unprofessional-ism in the polls anymore. Silly little emoticons, irrelevant poll questions begging users to post on a thread and irrelevant answers really off-put me from participating in the polls anymore. The redundancy of motivation and inspiration is becoming overwhelming and pointless too.