I think the polls are fine, except that you dont run any polls that actually let the players tell you how we feel about specific things. You should run polls on recent updates, such as:
"What do you think of dungeoneering so far?"
It's great, love it all!
It's pretty good, but could be improved.
I'm neutral about it.
I'm not a huge fan of it, but its bearable.
The only reason I play it is because I feel obligated.
I tried it...horrendous. Get me out of there.
I haven't experienced it yet.
ask related questions as well, pertaining to specific parts of D'neering that you want to gauge players feelings on, such as bosses, skill integration, etc.
Another good one would be:
"Do you support the recent change to Climbing Boots prices?"
Yes, it was the right move.
I'm neutral about it.
No, it was completely unwarranted.
They changed the price?
These are the type of questions that would help improve the game and inform you of what we really would like to see happen. However, it's my opinion that you don't run these questions because you are afraid of the answers.
21-Jul-2010 04:11:12