I've been playing Runescape for about 6 years, maybe more, maybe a tad less. I can't remember exactly when I joined, although sometimes I can put it in a vague window by looking at when certain updates came out.
I've been a member for most of that time, and have never really looked back or reconsidered my subscription. Occasionally, I've made some noob accounts to take a break from the now slowing leveling process as I work my way up, but those are just to mess around with and usually don't go anywhere (and, of course, stay F2P).
I've always been a bit on-and-off when playing RS - I'm one of those people who gets really into it for a long time, then takes a break for about a month or two as a get bored, then get back into it full-swing again when I get that nagging desire to play. I wouldn't say it's an addiction, as I'm able to stop playing and put real life first, but it's definitely a strong connection to a free-time activity that's kept me entertained and reduced stress for years.
At first, I played RS mainly to have fun, reduce stress, relax, and chat with my real-life friends who also played.
As my real-life friends moved on from the game (well, most of them), I started getting more involved in the community, which has changed my playing style from strictly goal-oriented skilling to a much more fun, dynamic, and varied playing style, as I've found myself dropping whatever I'm doing to run off to events.
The culmination of this change, and the fuel for the final transition was joining the Triumvirate (Lords ftw!), which has really helped me enjoy RS even more than I already did and drawn me into the forums more than I already was.
The Triumvirate has really improved my RS playing experience, and has given me yet another reason to play this game.
We've had our ups and downs with updates, but I think everything has turned out well in the long run =).
~~~~~~~Lord Red~~~~~~~
10-Aug-2010 01:33:42