I think that Runescape is just too big to have something like Triumvirate work well, you just can't have all those 15k people play an active role or the whole thing would collapse in one big disorganised mess. It worked better on Funorb with Craddock, Raven and Sallyd's clans (which are sort of a Triumvirate equivalent) because there just aren't that many people there; everyone can get their own assignment and it's easily kept track of.
In my opinion the problem is that there's only room for so many people to be noticed and that is due to the forum-based nature of Triumvirate. Unless there is a proper system to keep track of things, those who aren't already well established in the Triumvirate community don't really feel like they can get anywhere.
The other problem, like I said before, is that it's a bit of a mess really, after someone joins it's not really immediately clear what they're supposed to do.
Maybe it's just me though, I mean I wasn't really that active on the Funorb one either, only taking part in the odd Arcanist event (because Arcanists is awesome
) so I don't really know that much about this thing.
I'm not afraid of the triumvirate, but the organisation and the masses are just to big. I'd love to fight in small teams vs eachtoher, but I've heard that sometimes people can't even join a war cause of to many people, and for pvp-world wars, if you aren't in a clan or so, you'll face a pretty quick and certain death.
also the lack of rewards i a bit disturbing =/ if i want to wreck havoc or slay some people, i just join a random clan at clan wars, or invite some friends to join me
Hello I just wanted to give my feedback on the most recent "Triumvirate Feedback" poll. I think on the last question you may have tainted the results.
"I wasn't involved before and I'm still not interested, I'm afraid" Not everyone who does not want to be involved is afraid of participating.
Because of this I voted "Sorry - I just don't get this Triumvirate thing" Had the scared part not been in the formerly mentioned choice I would have picked that option.
Feedback on "Triumvirate Feedback" Poll, August 2, 2010.
Question 4: How many Triumvirate events have you been to, if any?
Answer: "None yet".
I chose the above answer by accident, as it was the first correct option I saw. I SHOULD have chosen "I'm not involved in the Triumvirate", as its the most accurate answer.
Question 7: Now you've given us some feedback, what are your feelings towards Triumvirate involvement?
Answer: "I wasn't involved before and I'm still not interested".
I thought I'd expand that answer with an explanation:
There's a lot of combat and members-only activities in the Triumvirate; I far prefer skilling over combat and I'm not a member.
Many of the activities also are fairly fixed timewise, with relatively short duration and specific times. I understand that this is necessary with certain activities. However, I thought that the organization of the Clan Cup skilling challenges were much better in how open-ended they were time-wise.
In addition, the Triumvirate are a bit like 3 big clans, and I have never liked being in clans. Foremost, clans typically contain a great deal of politicking and social ladder-climbing which I both despise. Second, I'm much more of an individualist and prefer to make my own choices on what / when / where / how / with whom to play Runescape.
The last factor that discouraged me was the complexity of figuring everything out about the Triumvirate. A blurb needs to be added to the "Join Faction_X!" describing the responsibilites / commitments of the various positions in addition to their rights / privileges. It might be good to also have that for activities.
I think it would help if a "Triumvirate News" section was added to the Runescape frontpage. This would be far simpler than going to the forums, finding the right thread, finding the right posts, and hopefully getting the correct information.
Anyway, that's my few cent's worth.
I have some feedback about question seven. "Now you've given us some feedback, what are your feelings towards Triumvirate involvement?" I picked "I was involved before and I'm gonna' keep on with the pwnage!" That doesn't really describe how I was feeling but I suppose it described my feelings the most.
I was really feeling more ilke "I was involved before but I never really did much and that hasn't changed." I just now realized that is says "involved" and not "joined" which would change my answer to "I wasn't involved before and I'm still not interested, I'm afraid." Without the afraid part of course. I joined a faction but I don't actually do anything.
I feel like most things are for members and I don't care much about stuff like that. If it's for mainly for members I'm not going to work hard to come up short of par and hardly get any influence.
Thank you for reading and I hope I didn't get too unrelated to the poll at some point.
"I think it would help if a "Triumvirate News" section was added to the Runescape frontpage. This would be far simpler than going to the forums, finding the right thread, finding the right posts, and hopefully getting the correct information."
Information on Triumvirate and any events should have direct links to it from the homepage. As it'd make it easier to find being all in 1 spot and would mean people can find the correct information.