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Posts: 1,153 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'd expect a lot of 'Runecrafting' for an answer, but honestly, I think it's dungeoneering.
There's only one place to train the skill, and its setup is best described as a complex minigame. It takes a lot of time to figure out, as the formula that calucates xp gain is a complete mystery to beginners, and you have to sit through an extensive trial mode before you can really start training. It's also a skill that doesn't look like any other skill you encountered so far, not to mention it's dependant on ALL other skills.
All in all: extremely overwhelming for new players to commence training. Dungeoneering differs from normal skills in nearly every way, including the complexity of getting started.

12-Feb-2011 17:05:45

Elite clue

Elite clue

Posts: 6,049 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. In your opinion, which is the toughest skill to start training?
imo, it's runecrafting. i hate the fact that you have to have 100% focus all the time, and ur doing the same thing all the time. you have yo pay 100% in dung allso, but ur not doing the same thing all the time.
second hardest skill is construction, then agility, for the same reasons.

12-Feb-2011 17:06:07



Posts: 1,333 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"In your opinion, what is the toughest skill to start training?"
Definitely Dungeoneering. Until level 50 the exp gained is very disappointing, even for a low-level skill. At level 50, on which the rewards motivate you to train dungeoneering you'll have made a silly 10K tokens; very demotivating.
Because of your low level in Dungeoneering you'll also find teams very very hard to get into. Noobs quitting from teams in pure rage after deaths, people who won't follow orders and general asses are also bad for low level dungeoneering.

12-Feb-2011 17:06:08



Posts: 1,652 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hardest skill to START training...
hmmm - fairly tough question but I would probably say farming is the hardest to start out on. You need lots of items and it can be overwhelming at first. Especially if you don't have access to lots of places and or items.
Overall "hardest" to trains - hmm:
herblore - because of the amount of money to get high levels
personally I find farming the hardest for me to train - its hard to pinpoint why but I just have a grudge against it i guess =)

12-Feb-2011 17:06:53

Great Minds
Apr Member 2018

Great Minds

Posts: 1,042 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To START training I'd say dungeoneering & Farming
Dungeoneering because of the entirely different things you need to know. Which armour is better than which etc etc
on the other hand I'd say farming. You need to furtilize, need a seed dibber to plant the seed, not every seed goes in every patch, then you need to water it. (all sounds logical but not everyone thinks of it right away)
I also found it hard to figure out how to plant trees.
First you need pots, seeds in the pot, water the pot, wait till it turns into a seedling and only after that can you plant the seedling into a patch.

12-Feb-2011 17:06:55

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