5. Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
Equally I would say as it would depend on which skill I am training and whether I am just doin so to have fun or if I am in need of money and know something is much more profitable to do then moving to something that gives more xp especially if its a skill I am not big on but do just to have it up.
Q: Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
A: i try to do both, it really depends on how much money i have and how much i need for something, if its a lot of money i need, i do it for profit, if i dont need money, i just train, then i train for efficiency.
12-Feb-2011 17:48:20
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12-Feb-2011 17:49:01
Ironically a lot of skills you can't always make a profit on, so its kind of hard with some and not with others. Hmm have to ponder that. *strokes beard*
I mix the two, i will train with efficency, but if it's a great loss i'll choose to do something a little more minor exp, but with less loss/with profit.