I always train my skills with efficiency in mind if my aim is to level.
For skills like magic, I don't try to merch and level up at the same time as I just hate the long training times:p
So its effeciency for me.
12-Feb-2011 17:47:10
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12-Feb-2011 17:47:27
5. Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
That's a pretty hard question =P
I usually train skills to get some money from them (Woodcutting, Fishing, Slayer, etc...) most of those are also higher than the skills that require money to train them (Summoning, Herblore, Construction, etc...)
Question 5:
Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
Mostly profit. I want to get enough money to have everything I want, and be able to blow money on skills like Prayer, Summoning, Construction, Herblore etc...
So everything I do is based on profit.
I have ways of making money which is better than the profit I could make. So no point making profit with skills. Also quick xp sometimes gets a level in which I can make quick cash.
5. Do you train skills with efficiency or profit in mind?
It's practically impossible to profit in skills since new content is either made untradable or as a drop from NPC's or a treasure trail reward. I skill because I enjoy it but it sure was nice back in the days when you could make some money from your work.
Profit, which in some cases means least amount of loss.
Weapon Poison+ might be more efficient, but I'm better off making pots 10-20 levels lower that will sell.
Some skills are more for efficiency, though.