EDIT: For the youtube account I'd like to see more sneak previews of content so perhaps of people working on coding for a new thing or designing a new npc in a quest.
Thieving, at low levels even up to about 45 the failure rate is so high. Very frustrating, mainly because of the stun where you hear birds tweeting around your head.
Second question, I would like to see pk videos and some footage from community events. Pvp and pvm strategy and then a video to show what is supposed to happen.
2. What do you think of our official RuneScape pages on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? What would you like to see from them in the future?
all are fine
would be interesting to see a youtube video released after every update to see how it was made ect.
2. I think they are a great way to reach out to people currently. Can see more of event notices and stuff from the pages before being redirected to the main site help saves time on planing what do to once in game.
Maybe link them more together in terms of connectivity. ( maybe some game events that you like to be posted on FB/tweet/etc.)
12-Feb-2011 17:19:02
- Last edited on
12-Feb-2011 17:20:26
Ong Jia Ming
The Youtube page is okay. It's nice to see a vid on there from you guys from time to time.
Never visited the facebook page dispite have a facebook account. It just doesn't seem the have draw to me personally.
I've never bothered with twitter so I can't really comment.
The RuneScape website is great, I check it often in the hope of an exciting update or announcement.
What do you think of our official RuneScape pages on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook? What would you like to see from them in the future?
twitter - only started using it today. so i guess ill find out soon.
Facebook - dont use it for you guy. sorry
Youtube - it's good for trailers and advertising stuff on it. like all your new updates etc..
Youtube - Would be really cool to have some "sneak peak" videos (like with the pictures) - but videos =) Obviously for the bigger updates etc and if new areas are being introduced - get some hype going.
Also I think the icould video's you guys did were really good and it would be awesome to see more content like that - maybe some videos about jobs in the industry etc - would personally find them really interesting.
Facebook - don't use this much to be honest - only to look at some sneak peak pictures. Don't really know what could be done here apart from the odd competition now and again like the wilderness mod one.
Twitter - use this a lot and think it's great. Again I don't really see what could be improved - as posts are already relatively frequent.
I think Jagex's approach to the social networking has been amazing in the last year or so - considering the state it was in before =) Your communication etc has improved massively. Thankyou.