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Posts: 1,301 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would say either Prayer or Construction. In terms of difficulty none of the skills are really all that hard to start training (in my opinion), but Prayer is incredibly slow and Construction is a little too dependent on gp - especially for those of us that don't put a lot of emphasis on making money in the game. The Ghostly Witch King

12-Feb-2011 17:08:21



Posts: 277 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In your opinion, what is the toughest skill to start training?
I don't think any of the skills are particularily 'tough' to start training. Any skill with a quest you must do before hand may seem a little harder, but its really not. It just takes a minute longer to get it going, because of the quest you must do first. Herblore, Summoning, and Runecrafting take longer to start; But the quests to start them are pretty easy to complete.
Now there are a few skills I don't really WANT to train, thus making it somewhat 'tough' for me to start training them. Namely Dungeoneering, and Summoning.
This is not my main account so you can't go looking at my stats here to see what I've done and what I haven't.

12-Feb-2011 17:08:25 - Last edited on 12-Feb-2011 17:09:11 by [#PF30BL2X3]

I Saw UrButt

I Saw UrButt

Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In my opinion the toughest skill to train is a tie between runecrafting and farming due mainly to the amount of time you it takes to level the skills, other skills such as construction and herblore are both expensive skills but i don't think it is the amount of money but the amount of work you must spend to train that skill that makes it harder. So skills such as dungeoneering slayer farming and runecrafting are all harder skills for me.

12-Feb-2011 17:08:53



Posts: 890 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
without 'buying' the skill, herblore requires you to know farming, and the quest needed to begin herblore training also has harder requirements needed.
LovegoodPie/naikarrah, Cabbage Queen of Miscellania
~you may find that the journey
is often more valuable
than the destination reached.~

12-Feb-2011 17:09:47

Ryan M
May Member 2008

Ryan M

Posts: 3,095 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The hardest skill to start training is not entirely a skill at all. It's any skill that you may loathe or aren't motivated to train due to limited scope in rewards for level progression to skill mastery. Overcoming this might be a reward in of itself.

12-Feb-2011 17:09:48



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Jagex. My answer to the question: What is the hardest skill to train is pretty simple!
I. Dungeoneering, you need a lot of deferent skills and a good understanding of the game. You need to know how to use every skill, and that takes time. I suggest getting AT LEAST level 20 in every skill.
II. Summoning, Getting the charms could be difficult. You need a high combat level, and this skill could be hard.

My Personal hardest skill:
Since I was F2P A while before becoming a member, and the release of dungeoneering. My hardest skill was, and still is Farming. It takes too long, and you have to know the map pretty well too. Teleports are important, and you need a high Magic Level for it, and knowledge of the map as mentioned before.
Hope I answered your question.
=Shmus/IDF Matkal=

12-Feb-2011 17:10:00

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