@Jagex. My answer to the question: What is the hardest skill to train is pretty simple!
I. Dungeoneering, you need a lot of deferent skills and a good understanding of the game. You need to know how to use every skill, and that takes time. I suggest getting AT LEAST level 20 in every skill.
II. Summoning, Getting the charms could be difficult. You need a high combat level, and this skill could be hard.
My Personal hardest skill:
Since I was F2P A while before becoming a member, and the release of dungeoneering. My hardest skill was, and still is Farming. It takes too long, and you have to know the map pretty well too. Teleports are important, and you need a high Magic Level for it, and knowledge of the map as mentioned before.
Hope I answered your question.
=Shmus/IDF Matkal=
12-Feb-2011 17:10:00