13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
One day,(A long time ago) I was just googled browser based games and this showed up as one of them on it. So many years later, I'm still on it.
13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
Answer: A Roleplaying Game freind of mine invited me to join him in playing this wonderful game 9 yrs ago.
Question 13:
Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
Around 5th Grade. A class-mate referred me to Miniclips (not for RuneScape, but to beat up George W. Bush in their mini-games. Haha...)
Found RuneScape there, and I've been hooked ever since!
Probably from a friend or something or through a webstie though not advertisng.
However I am annoyed to see Jagex have advertised since the release of dungeoneering on other sites that I have visited even though they had never did this before.I feel that this lessens what rs is.