Question 13.
Some of my real life friends. We all played this game on a gaming website and never played Runescape because we heard it was horrible. Then, a few of us actually tried it and found it was really great, so here I am.
13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape?
From my best friend, she said why not try this and I said ok cool, this was back in the RS Classic days. Wasn't sure I liked it at first, but soon got into it.
It was back in 2002/3 I think.
12-Feb-2011 18:54:03
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12-Feb-2011 18:54:56
YT Da White
13. From one of my friends in school. It was 'cool' to play RS so I joined in and I'm still here now! Yay! The person who introduced me's account is still active, although I highly doubt it's actually him. It was either late 2004 or early 2005.
12-Feb-2011 18:54:04
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12-Feb-2011 18:55:31
"13. Where did you first hear about RuneScape? "
Some school friends talked about it a lot in 2003 - they finally convinced me to make an account... here I am.