Blackwing - Thanks for your thoughts. The boneyard items are really cool and have created the whole TH promotion behind them - we have items for both Solomon's and Treasure Hunter and these in particular worked better on Treasure Hunter.
There will be some limited items in the new smashing relics, to make them exciting and worth it. Very rarely is any treasure hunter item completely discontinued after its initial release, and we like to make sure anyone who might have missed out have the opportunity to catch up. That will always be the case.
We are very proud of the stormborne armour, really hoping you guys like it when it comes out!
Jokku 23 - Halloween or holiday armour is less likely to go in smashing relics or similar promotions, but I will add it to the list for consideration. Typically holidays items are kept in holiday events and treasure hunter things keep TH prizes. I'll also mention it to them team doing halloween this year
Mod Kalaya |
I'd still like to see monkey hats and mace in smashing relics as I've only managed to get the mace so far.
If that's really not an option I'd like to see ghostly jester outfit, enchanted bunny egg, butterfly teleport, serpentine items, lucky spirit shields and sunbathe emote.
Can we also have a rare token promotion with new items?
Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?
Sebastiaan - We haven't forgotten regarding an update on what we're up to, it's still in the works
Thanks for your feedback on the promotions, even though we disagree it's still good for us to hear your thoughts.
Premier Club members will be able to get the stormborne armour if they wish - you'll be given a fresh token and can claim the outfit if you wish. The token system is just a different way to award the new cosmetics we give away, whilst also allowing you to choose your favourites.
With this promotion we have
new pets
new weapons
to be uncovered! Start digging with your keys in Treasure Hunter to take part in this promotion and dig up fantastic new prizes!
Not this crap again. I absolutely am not a fan of these kinds of promotions. it reminds me of the beach event treasure map.
From mid May we doubled up your daily keys, which continues through to the end of June. From 1st July, this will sadly revert to your normal 1,2 or 3 daily keys. However, in July we will offer you the ability to trade one bond (or equivalent in real world currency) to continue 1 month of double daily keys!
I have no words for this other than: Why the heck would you do that? why can't you just let it go away and have it come back some other time?
Mod Kalaya
Sebastiaan - We haven't forgotten regarding an update on what we're up to, it's still in the works
Thanks for your feedback on the promotions, even though we disagree it's still good for us to hear your thoughts.
Premier Club members will be able to get the stormborne armour if they wish - you'll be given a fresh token and can claim the outfit if you wish. The token system is just a different way to award the new cosmetics we give away, whilst also allowing you to choose your favourites.
you mean screwing over premier club members like always? Making us 'choose' instead of just giving us the stuff we used to get for free. But it doesn't matter what I say anyway. Everytime I talk to any jmod about anything this 'team' does I get the nice generic response of 'we'll take it into consideration during our feedback sessions' AKA go screw yourself.
This includes the premier club tokens, giving out previous discontinued items and the blatant lies about exclusiveness for starters.
the update on mtx has been in the works for over 6 months, what do you actually do? this 'stuff'? bloody hell.
I have no idea what you could possible disagree on with anything I said.
the double keys thing is disgusting, OP and just shameful in every way. Also, it's a nice easy quick cash grab since you increased the price of bonds and runecoins.
18-Jun-2018 16:42:24
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18-Jun-2018 16:44:21
Where is the "exciting plans for Treasure Hunter rewards and Solomons Store that we are confident will be well received", as promised on reddit almost 2 months ago? Is this it?
Lions RAWR - Sorry to hear you're not a fan of the buried treasure-style promotions. We've found that there are some fans of this new format though so wanted to try it out with new rewards and mechanics.
The Double daily keys package is just an additional key package, a different way of buying keys for a very cheap price comparitively. We are experimenting with different methods for players to support the development of the game, and this is one of those.
Mod Kalaya |
Terror Dogs
Where is the "exciting plans for Treasure Hunter rewards and Solomons Store that we are confident will be well received", as promised on reddit almost 2 months ago? Is this it?
Nope - I haven't mentioned those plans in this post as the idea has been made and then reworked quite significantly. More news on that is coming, I'm sorry I can't go into more detail yet.
There are no retro overrides in development at the moment I'm afraid.
Mod Kalaya |
With this promotion we have
new pets
new weapons
to be uncovered! Start digging with your keys in Treasure Hunter to take part in this promotion and dig up fantastic new prizes!
Not this crap again. I absolutely am not a fan of these kinds of promotions. it reminds me of the beach event treasure map.
From mid May we doubled up your daily keys, which continues through to the end of June. From 1st July, this will sadly revert to your normal 1,2 or 3 daily keys. However, in July we will offer you the ability to trade one bond (or equivalent in real world currency) to continue 1 month of double daily keys!
I have no words for this other than: Why the heck would you do that? why can't you just let it go away and have it come back some other time?
The rest is ok I suppose
What about these promotions don't work for you?
For the Buried treasure: Its more about the click on a map square ( in tH) that gets to me. Like when it was introduced at the beach event I thought you had to literally find the spot and dig on the surface world. When it turn out not to be the case, it ruined it for me. This promo is just the same idea as the beach one, just a different theme.
Double daily keys- When the month of june had double keys I was happy. I thought it was an one off way to go with the menaphos birthday. When Menaphos came out, the rep was double so I thought the double keys was an celebration. But seeing it now as a way to make money bothers me. I understand that its a new way to support the game, but taking something that was nice and making it something to buy is a bit wrong Imo. That is why I am not a fan of that.
Time to follow an trail of Treasure.
My Goals
Lions Goals
18-Jun-2018 17:03:50
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18-Jun-2018 17:05:57
Lions RAWR