
Forum Moderation Review V2. Thread is locked

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Mod Meadows

Mod Meadows

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
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Forum Moderation Review.

Hi team,

The last thread was getting quite old and convoluted so I feel it's time to recreate a new thread and revisit some of the old rules and update them.

The same rule applies from the last thread, that if you post on this thread regarding account help, personal disputes or rants it will be considered misuse of Community Management and may result in account penalties.

The above rule will be enforced irrevocably due to the last thread being derailed countless times for people to use it as a personal "rants" forum; we will not allow this to continue - and we are going to be actively following up
with account penalties.

What is Forum Moderation Review?

Forum Moderation review is a thread for you to flag the actions of a
Forum Moderator
to members of the Community Management Team, should you feel that they have acted inappropriately or in poor-taste.

You must not post here about receiving a Forum Mute as we review each one manually when they are applied, if you are still muted by a
Forum Moderator,
it usually means we agree with the action taken. However, there have been instances where we feel that the
Forum Moderators'
action was too lenient, and we apply a harsher mute or ban from our-side.

What can this thread not be used for?

X Disputing a Forum Mute - Forum mutes are reviewed automatically by Jagex staff, as said above.

X Report forum rule breaking - Use 'Forum Help'.

X Account help and support - Contact Customer Support here.

X Discussing in-game content - Use the correct designated Forums for the content.

X Discussing other members of the Forum Community - This thread is not to be used as personal rants forum, nor is it to be used as a way to attack and blame other active members of the forums.
Jagex staff members
are not here to be a forum police force.

X Reporting harassment or death threats via the Forums - If you believe this to be serious, we urge you to contact your local law enforcement. We actively work closely with the law enforcement agencies around the world, and we will fully co-operate with any official investigation.

Once again, if you are considering to be using this thread inappropriately, we can apply offences where we feel and see fit, including in-game offences, and forum bans.

What can this thread be used for?

This thread can be used
for the following:

Forum Moderator complaints
– if you feel a
Forum Moderator
has acted inappropriately or misused their power.


Please use the following template for reports:

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Forum Moderator involved:
Summary of issue:


All posts made on this topic are automatically hidden and are viewable to
Jagex Moderators
only - there is a plan to allow the
Local Moderators
to review this thread however there is no time-frame for this to be implemented.

If appropriate you may receive a follow up in-game inbox message when you submit a report, so check your game message centre regularly. However, we will most likely just reply to you at the end of the thread, based on severity.

Posting on this thread
does not
guarantee a response, but all reports will be reviewed and any necessary action will be taken. Posts which don't use the above form risk having their
review delayed or not done at all

Please note all decisions are final - subsequent replies to a
Jagex Moderator
review may be ignored.


Mod Meadows.
~RuneScape Community Management.
~ Mod Meadows ~ Forum Curator ~ Tweet Me @JagexMeadows ~

21-May-2018 12:38:06 - Last edited on 04-Sep-2018 17:18:18 by Mod Poerkie

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22-May-2018 13:45:39

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22-May-2018 13:47:33

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22-May-2018 14:12:48

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22-May-2018 17:30:52

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22-May-2018 21:42:29

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23-May-2018 02:29:37

Mod Meadows

Mod Meadows

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hey there,

Mr clutch28 - Sorry to hear you have been hacked, however it is clearly stated in the FMR Rules that this is not the place to try and recover an account.

This is your first warning for misusing FMR; further misuse can result in Forum Bans or in-game Mutes. You can access the Help Centre in the rules above.

Angel2D4 - Hey, thanks for raising - the account has recieved a Strike and has been banned from the Forums for 72 Hours.

Gozzzz - Hi Goz, sorry you feel that way. This is not something that we would like on our forums, so thank you for raising. If you have any further information, we can look into it. This isn't really something that should be raised on the new FMR, but I am happy to allow it this once.

Thanks all,

Mod Meadows.
~RuneScape Community Management.
~ Mod Meadows ~ Forum Curator ~ Tweet Me @JagexMeadows ~

23-May-2018 11:54:09

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23-May-2018 18:33:03

Mod Meadows

Mod Meadows

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user

Miu - You're welcome to use this thread during the implementation phase, sure. I don't have a time frame regarding the handover, however until that happens you're welcome to use it in that regard. :)

Mod Meadows.
~RuneScape Community Management.
~ Mod Meadows ~ Forum Curator ~ Tweet Me @JagexMeadows ~

25-May-2018 15:23:55

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