
Forum Moderation Review V2. Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-595-66013672

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15-May-2019 07:37:20

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15-May-2019 17:28:25

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16-May-2019 11:04:01

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16-May-2019 13:20:56

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16-May-2019 13:21:12

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16-May-2019 20:25:10

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19-May-2019 22:36:09

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19-May-2019 23:02:06

Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
@2_Tron - I've reviewed both threads and what the F-Mod did was correct. She locked the first thread because the comments and the discussion were getting out of hand and were more on the "flaming" and "trolling" side. The thread can be remade to have a civil discussion about the topic in which the thread was trying to address. There's no contradiction here. I've made a post on the second thread that you supplied.

@DaddyAlex - I can't seem to find the original thread that was copied (you didn't supply a QFC for it). However, this idea/question has already been answered by Jagex and locking the thread was correctly done by the F-Mod.

@Archaeox - The thread seems fine to me. I wouldn't say that it's "glorifying" unhealthy play-style. It's simply a question about how long you've personally played in one session. The F-Mod and L-Mod's that contributed to the thread were fine for doing so and I don't see this thread requiring any action. If the thread was boasting about how long you've played and encouraging others to play longer, then I could see it being a problem.

@NexOrigin - The F-Mod took correct action in locking this thread. It's clearly a spam post that has no place on the forums (even in the Off Topic section). Please don't troll this F-Mod review thread with in-depth takes on spam threads where the action was clearly correct.

@Vlumondoxa - I mean, come on? It's clearly spam. You posted this thread in the 'General' section of the forums and it has absolutely no content or discussion value involved within it. The action taken by the F-Mod was correct. Happy not birthday by the way.

@Guthixian - First of all, Forum Moderators aren't employed by Jagex nor "hired" for a job. They are generally outstanding members of the community that are heavily involved with the forums which were selected by Jagex to voluntarily monitor the forums in order to keep legitimate threads and discussions in tact here. Which they do absolutely great with - our F-Mods are wonderful. Second of all, I looked into the posts on that thread and I know that this particular user has had some questionable posts and arguments on the forums, however this time - he wasn't doing so. He didn't hijack your thread, he's continuing the discussion and responding to others with questions to engage further within the topic at hand. If people were to argue or start name-calling within this thread, where it would no longer be about the topic, then it would be considered 'hijacking' and 'derailing' - but that's not the case here.

@Angel2D4 - It looks like the P-Mod in question hid all of the correct posts (with good reason). He may have missed the post that you brought up, so I have went and hid it. However in general, all of the posts that were hidden were correctly. Sometimes some posts that should be hidden are missed (could be due to hiding multiple posts at once, in which sometimes certain posts don't get hidden - it's happened to me before when mass hiding comments).

20-May-2019 09:17:45

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20-May-2019 20:29:08

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