#1. Will there alway be balloons, or the items get dropped on the floor when the lever is pulled?
#2. Will there alway be partyroom worlds or not anymore?
#3. i think this question has been answered, but i don't understand what "drop restriction mean", is it about the worlds, or you can drop over 2147m?
You removed overloads from wilderness, but why you wont remove summoning?
You have to pay and waste time to level both those skills up, BUT YOU STILL CAN YAK YOUR ITEMS TO BANK? WHY???
Consider removing Beast of Burden with summoning from the wilderness? As many people have already stated here, it takes a lot of "risk" out of PKing when people can carry so much extra food with the Teleblock spell only being 5 minutes.
@oomikami**** trading isnt going to ever be solved unless they stopped all trading amongst players, with all the current players who pk there will be more people to kill those rw traders, so dont worry and just take it easy bro
they got this
~hunting for noon lootz~
Mod Fetzki already said extremes are banned in the wilderness because players don't know if somebody is capable of using them or not.
Why not show a person's herblore level with their combat/summoning level not shown the wilderness?
Of course, it doesn't have to be shown in the combat level, it was just an idea.
What exact items will we be able to go back and get after we die? Fire capes? Torsos? Void armour? That was never said. Also why did you decide to allow summoning? It will just kill the wilderness just like it killed pvp. Its not hard to go out with a pack yak and bank all your things without any fear of losing them.
Dear Jagex,
I've heard rumors about Jagex recently getting a new "Bot-Detection System" which should greatly help against the war against bots, can you give us a little insight into this? Is it just a rumor or is it true?