This is a very big question relateing to the future of runescape!
What will happen to item,s throughout the world of runescape? Like dragon daggers, AMulet of strengths, All pking weapons/supplys?
Alot of the rich people on runescape have already started pre-buying every single pking item/weapon in runescape, it is already hard to gather items of the grand exchange without a rather long wait, For example waiting 3 hours for a amulet of strength... What are you goinjg to do to stop this? THey will sell months after the update to gather a large profit while pking will become a chore instead of fun, waiting hours for items? Are you going to flush items into the game to restore the econom,y for pkers supplys or jsut let everyone buy them out and give us nothing to pkl with? for up to months, befoire they sell for a profit, when everything will be like 300k each.
22-Jan-2011 15:28:55