Few questions.
Before i ask them, bare in mind i have been playing since classic, been through all the good and bad updates. So my perspective on things are clear.
1. What is the point of keeping summoning in the wilderness?
It is a bloody joke. Pak Yak allows you to bank in the wild - anyone with a pak yak can simple bring max gear, overpowered items and when low on food / close 2 death; bank there items.
Solution: Remove the special attributes of each summoning monster, and or make familiars not able 2 cross the ditch.
Not only pak yaks, the WHOLE concept of it is pointless. This was meant to be as close to 2006, instead it is closer to 2011.
The only solution i see here is that, the aggressor is able to kill the opponents familiar within 30 secs - 1 minute. Or pking and the will continue to remain dead as it has been for the past 3 years.
2. Dungeoneering items?
Point of that? No one fancies getting Ko'd in 5 seconds buy two consecutive hits of 800 from the OVERPOWERED Dungeoneering items. Be realistic. Without praying and or having someone heal u constantly, u are bound to die within a matter of seconds.
3. Staking?
I for one was excited to have the old school staking back. I am glad that it was reintroduced to say the least, however; from the thousands of players returning, staking to them means dds / whip. Unfortunately, now to stand a chance u must either have pvp weapons and or dungeoneering items. It is not possible otherwise to win or even stand a chance.
My solution: Have an option to disable all dungeoneering, pvp and degradable items in a duel; and or disallow them completely.
This was meant to be as close to 2006, not welcome to 2011.
22-Jan-2011 15:28:11