
Wildy & Free Trade - Questions Thread is locked

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Posts: 819 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi there,first things first: Mod [insert your name here], I love you!
My question:Will timmy get hacked again?
Nah seriously now,my real question:
-Will the statuettes/pvp armour drops/... be rather a rare drop or more likely a common drop?
-Will the chaos elemental drop it more often than the revenants?

22-Jan-2011 17:07:50 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 17:08:12 by MasterM



Posts: 1,378 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is not really about the wildy/trade but:
If you right click something now and keep the moude on the 'option screen' and there's a 'loading - please wait' the options screen will go away. Is there any chance to change it so it doesn't go away (I think this was in 2007 too) while you have a 'loading - please wait'. Because it's really annoying.

22-Jan-2011 17:07:52

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,849 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You've said that because of weapons, such as Korasi's and Chaotics coming out that were 'designed for pvm' you are looking at rebalancing them, as they may seem overpowered.
I'm 100 dungeoneering and spent a long time getting my chaotic weapons. You aren't nerfing them for the whole of runescape are you? I'd hate to think I spent weeks getting a chaotic longsword(because it's a godsword but one handed and is free) just so that it gets brought down to the strength as like, a dragon scimitar :S Especially as I use them at pvm situations 90 percent of the time.
Also, with gravestones, like once they degrade, why are you making it so that when they vanish they can be looted? All along Jagex have promoted hard work in runescape, I'm all for free trade and the wildy, I loved them, but like, I would hate to go to say, Bandos, and disconnect, lose my items, log in, and have no one bless because they wanted say... The 10m of gear I had lost :S. Is it really fair to make it so that people can profit this way? It doesn't promoted positivity either as peoples 'friends' will swiftly change their tune when their mate dies, and also, you can't say 'Well don't go pvm' or 'Go with people you trust' because that isn't always applicable. I go tormented demons tonnes, if this comes out people can easily lure tonnes on me, for example, and get me killed :o But yeah you get the point(I hope) :P
Sorry for the very long questions and thanks for your time.

22-Jan-2011 17:07:57

Mihai A1

Mihai A1

Posts: 557 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
NR.1 Will the boneyard return?
NR.2 Will the revenants be F2P?
NR.3 Will you add a mini-game for the revenants in the future? Or a revenant themed world for the rev hunters?

[Possible Scams]
NR.4 Will Luring in the wilderness be considered scamming and get you banned like Elvemage :P ?
NR.5 Are you gonna revert the changes if RWT > Jagex ? ^_^
Nr.6(Last) Would you consider showing us exactly how hard it is to create an update in Java so we quit posting ideas/questions which have no sense ;) ?

22-Jan-2011 17:08:11 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 17:17:08 by Mihai A1



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What i've read:
“Will we be able to offer 1 gp ea for fire runes, mind runes, or divine spirit shields?”
Mod paul M: If you can find someone “generous” enough to do that, yes.
My question: But if he actually want to rwt on that way, won't he get banned then?

22-Jan-2011 17:08:28

Jay Ssj08

Jay Ssj08

Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello my dear JMods,
It really makes me proud to be a part of this beautiful game. When i joined RS, Wildy was removed just in next 1-2 months, i never got a chance to pk as i was a noob :P and i didn't know what Pking meant.
From past 15 months, i have become too much addicted to pking.
It gives me immense pleasure to have the old wilderness and the thrill back.
From the deepest of my heart, i would like to thank the whole team of JAGEX for bringing back my dream. But sadly, dear jmods, i am inactive for few months.
Thanks for a kind hearing.
Yours inspired,
Jay Ssj08.
My questions now.
Q1- Wildderness and free trade back means a lot of RWT, scamming, raging, botting. Then why did u decide to bring IT back? You and me, we both know its impossible to stop such things, then why?
(P.S- Lol i know many ppl asked that one ^)
Q2- There are few bugs in F2P BH worlds like, when you are fighting someone, and you run towards the ditch and suddenly hit back, if the opponent is between 200-350 LP
He will be K0ed immediately with a g2h/corrupt battle axe.
Will these problems be further carried on in wilderness pking?
Q3- Will the place where the revenants are relocated (some dungeon in wildy) be PvP?
Q4- Will the daemonheim be moved? or it will become PvP?
it may sound noob, but it certainly is in wilderness as per world map.
Thank you a lot for your patient listening to my questions and letter.
P.S- Its obvious not everyday u get a chance to talk to a JMOD, i wanna tell u guys something
This game, all because of you lets me do things i can never do IRL.
When i was small i used to think about questing IRL, and all
but i knew its not possible IRL.
Yes, this game gave me all joy.
Now i have boards exams next monnth.
will miss you guys a lot.
thnx :)

22-Jan-2011 17:08:32

Viz Z

Viz Z

Posts: 2,229 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will you guys be returning the fence in level 1 wilderness above of varrock? A lot of old school players would like this. It was a good tactic used by rangers/mages. You guys got rid of it when the ditch came I believe. Or the Beacon network.

22-Jan-2011 17:08:39



Posts: 177 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Slayer asked:
Gravestones & bosses.
Many bosses teams are created using the "Teamwork" forums. You often don't know the people, and if you'd die they most likely won't bless grave if they can loot your items if they won't.
Therefore I suggest doing what you were planning to do all over Gielinor EXCEPT for GWD boss rooms, GWD Zaros zone and possibly other bosses, in which it should be kept as it is right now.
Mod Fetzki answers:
Thanks for raising this, this is a good hint. We will look into a solution for this.
1) *I don't thing this will be a problem, if somebody dies in your clan, or evan if they aren't, somebody is always going to bless their grave, mostly out of respect. I know some friends in particular that do that. So this whole issue should not be much of a problem*
2) Jagex, could it be possible for you to keep some PVP worlds for all of runescape map pking, with the restored drop system?
3) also regarding RWT, If a player reports a valid RWT/Scam/Botting site to Jagex, could that player recieve a small amount of membership credit as a reward? i think if you do that, people will rush to find all the RWT sites and report them, this would be a good blow against RWT.

22-Jan-2011 17:08:43 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2011 17:12:07 by YeetGuard

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