Not available in my country. Wait, so do they realise that this is discrimination? And inb4 all you "You should be grateful coz it's free", shoosh! This isn't fair at all and you know this. We should all be given a chance at something, not just certain countries. We're all paying for this game too Jagex, not just USA and UK. We should all get this, and even if we can't sign up to twitch prime in our country, there should be some other task for us to do to make it up to us.
So just because twitch isn't in a whole bunch of countries around the world we all have to fork out a month of memb and enough to buy enough runecoin to get a legendary pet, except for USA and UK? It's not our fault that we were born elsewhere.
This isn't cool at all. No one in my country is happy about this.
12-Apr-2017 23:18:06