- if you have a problem with forum moderation, or the actions of a forum moderator, please use the
Forum Moderation Review
thread to raise it, and not Forum Help.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
I know and can see the pair of you have a history. To make sure it does not happen again it's best not to reply back to any baiting from other people. Instead report it here.
To he honest there is very little the F-Mods can do here other then the suggestion Arch has posted for you. The review thread is there to be used if you feel errors were made by the F-Mod team.
I have to say though and I say this with the utmost respect to you, you did post back to the baiting and it didn't help. It should have been reported only to Forum Help and not posted back too.
I'm not sure what else you expect here but thats about all the F-Mod team can do to assist with this issue.
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